


4th Semester

Decide the game literally with the blink of an eye. “Superior” is a project that was started by an assignment to make use of an innovative input method. Together with a fellow student I created a smart board game featuring asymmetric three-player gameplay.

One player wears an epoc emotiv eeg headset, which allows him to control features of the game simply by thought. The other two players play using regular game pieces on the connected board. We sketched and tested the board game and created a fully-functional prototype that was a lot of fun to play together with our fellow students.
Der Superior gewinnt seine Überlegenheit daraus, dass er mithilfe des Emotiv EPOC Headsets Einfluss auf den Spielverlauf nehmen kann. Durch diese Art der Gedankensteuerung bleiben seine Spielzüge im Verborgenen.

Superior was a challenging project because of the programming component, but each test round was entertaining and made me want to create more games in general.

My contribution: Game Design, Hardware Prototyping, Programming
In collaboration with Heike Hörnschemeyer.