

Interactive Motion Media

3rd Semester

The Datenkrake ("Data Kraken") is a comment on the currently ubiquitous question about what happens to personal data on the internet.
A Microsoft Kinect is used to track anyone who approches the interactive installation. The subject will see their shadow on a screen and has to move to try and dodge the encroaching tentacles of the data-kraken, which will follow them and suck information from them, which can then be seen being processed by the big and complicated machinery on an adjacent screen.

We wanted to bring a bit of satire to the neverending discussion about privacy and "big data". The playful interaction and the needlessly complicated depiction of the processing are laughter- as well as thought-provoking.

We used the "Processing" language for the interactive part and created a video animation for the machine. The Data Kraken was exhibited on the European Media Art Festival 2014.

My contribution: Concept, Programming, Sound Design
In collaboration with Florian Fritzensmeier, Heike Hörnschemeyer, Liza Speckmann, Dominik Massmann and Christine Weninger.