Battle Hordes

2016 - 2018


Battle Hordes is a mobile MMO strategy game. I joined the team at XYRALITY at the very beginning of the project, and worked on the UX and game design of it since then as my main project in my time at the company. It also spawned a second game, "Fortress Kings", with the same underlying UX. It is available on the App Store.

The game features a beautiful 3D fantasy world, but also has a lot of theory and complex game mechanics for hardcore players. This always makes for interesting design challenges to allow for complexity without sacrificing the user experience on a small smartphone platform.
I conducted my Bachelor's Thesis "Bridging the gap between modern mobile user experience and hardcore strategy gaming – UX- and UI-Design of battle representation for a mobile free-to-play MMORTS" about parts of the game.

My role was to lead the small design team of the project, evaluate playtests, work on wireframes, prototypes and high-fidelity mockups and communicate with artists and developers to create a fun game experience.